Note It.
A note taking app for android.
- NoteIt is a simple note-taking app written in Kotlin using the MVVM architectural pattern, CRUD operations, and ROOM database.
- Fully supports material you dynamic theming, markdown for various formatting options.
- The app also includes nice animations.
Discord bot to manage spotify playlists.
- Spotiord is a discord bot which helps you manage shared playlists for your discord server!
- Users can add songs to a shared playlist using slash commands.
- Helps you limit the number of submissions per month with the help of a SQLite DB to track user submmissions.
- Default limit per month configured to 3.
A webpage to help you learn the morse code.
- Ever intriguied by morse code?
- Morse is a simple website wich will help you learn it!
- Built using pure HTML/CSS/JS making it very lightweight.
Calorie Predictor
ML model to predict calorie consumption.
- Used the workout dataset from kaggle
- Analyzed the data using seaborn.
- Trained the model using Polynomial Linear Regression.
- Built a web app for it using flask.